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November 22, 2007

Nov.3,2007- Elkhorn Slough Outings

It took a bit of planning but it was worth it
in the end and
many of us are waiting for
our return when Capt. Yohn calls !

Not only was it just a beautiful marina with
boats old, new,
fishing & research, but the slough
is a tranquil place (that day! )
and was filled with
much wildlife (birds and mammals alike)

It is located 1/2 way between Santa Cruz and Monterey.
We filled 2 FULL tour boats and lunched together in between.
It was a Wonderful Day filled with beautiful sites and
Great to meet the New Friends with whom we have been chatting!
We now have new "Incoming!!"
and Ed's Jokes to remember.... ;-)
and new definitions for what a Red Nose means ;-)
So now we have even more shared memories and
I don't know about you, but I'm waiting for Capt. Yohn
to do the next schedule so we can set another date!
The entire day went by WAY too fast for me......
You all have seen the images of the critters & winged ones
so here's them that got them ;-)
Thanks for being such a Great group of folks!!
Suprada's Mamma Otter & baby image is now gracing
our Group homepage for awhile....
taken with a 300mm, so don't be scared
if you don't have a Beast like some do....!
It's what ya do with what ya got !
Good folks+Good images= Good times !
Who's ready to go back?

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