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January 25, 2007

1st Ano Nuevo Group Outing-Jan.20th

The 1st Ano Nuevo Group Outing was Jan.20th. and it sounds like a great times was had by all! I will leave it to the attendees to post the images of the Elephant Seals, Pelicans, or whatever...but thanks to Dennis Luz we have some "in action" images that he said we could post.
I can't wait for the rest of the participants to process their images and let us see what they got.
I have NEVER been there so I am leaning from you. Would like to hear back from a few more members that went but haven't reported in yet. If anyone has any suggestions to make Group Outings better in the future, please let me know.
Our NEXT FM_NorCal Ano Nuevo Group Outing is 2/10
Next time we'll have MORE group pix.
Enjoy & in gratitude,

1 comment:

Islandjerry said...

Thank you for sharing this beautiful blog and especially thank you for presenting my video's of Bodie.
Jerry Lames