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September 12, 2007

Bodie Photog Days Group 6/17/2007

(L-R) Lance, Suprada, Nancy, Jim Fox, & Mike.....
On June 16, 2007, 5 of our members made their way
up the hill in the dark to photograph Bodie Sunrise
and some took off during the heat of the day for lunch
and other photo ops, then met again late afternoon
when the longer shadows returned to stay until after sunset.
Some shared a memorable meal at the
"Whoa Nellie Deli" at the Hwy 120 Tioga Gasmart!
And all came home with beautiful different versions
of this Golden State Historic Park.
Some took off the next morning for the Tioga Pass area
to photograph the last of the melted Spring ponds
and wildflowers......I heard the mosquitos were very friendly !
Thanx to Nancy for making the group image ;-)